Click on an event for more information!

Imagine Initiative Poverty Simulation

Riverside Church (Fort Myers)

We will be attending the Imagine Initiative's poverty simulation to step into the shoes of those facing poverty in the United States and gain a deeper understanding of their daily challenges. We are excited to partner with an organization that has a goal to raise awareness and create prevention for poverty in our area.

SWFL Women for Good Gather and Grant

Burntwood Tavern - Gulf Coast Town Center

We are excited to announce with a nomination, Advance the Faith has the opportunity to share about our mission and potentially be the recipients of the funds from this quarter's donation cycle hosted by Southwest Florida Women for Good!

ECHO Global Farm Tour

ECHO Global Farm

Our Naples team will be touring ECHO global farm. We will get a first-hand look into how farming works where there are limited resources, such as Haiti. We will tour their technology section which demonstrates innovative farming techniques that can be implemented in Haiti.

Warner University Speaking Engagement

Warner University - The Courtyard

Our biblical studies intern, Shay, will be sharing a devotional on behalf of Advance the Faith to challenge students to live out their faith.

Ocean YTH Speaking Engagement

Ocean Church

Representing Advance the Faith Shay, our biblical studies intern, will be preaching to local youth on how to practically live out your faith!

March CityLead

Ocean Church

We will be connecting with like-minded businesses and nonprofits who have a heart to impact our community for Christ!

Recruitment Wednesday


Our Director of Connections, Rebecca, will be attending Florida Gulf Coast University's Recruitment Wednesday. She will be connecting with students to present internship opportunities. This event is NOT sponsored by Advance the Faith.

FGCU Eagle X


We will be attending Eagle X to evaluate student's service-learning projects and connecting with students who have a passion to serve. We will also share about upcoming opportunities. This event is NOT sponsored by Advance the Faith.

April CityLead Meeting

Ocean Church

Our staff will be connecting with other local organizations and those in the marketplace, leadership development within SWFL. This event is NOT sponsored by Advance the Faith.

Shark Tank Finale

After months of hard-work and dedication, local high school students who have been involved in our Vault and Shark Tank program will be presenting their entrepreneurial projects to our "Sharks" (local business men and women). To learn more about our Vault Financial Literacy Program click here or email